
Food. Everybody eats at some point right? Well, I know I get excited whenever I see food. Not everybody does though. Whenever there's something new to try, I'm always a little reluctant to eat it. Anyway, my mom and my grandma are good cooks. However, don't trust me with cooking. I'm clumsy and I laugh too much whenever I try to make something. I don't know why, I just am. Well back to my good cooks, they always make my favorite foods when I ask them for something specific. I appreciate it a lot. When I was little they would always ask what I wanted to eat and they would make it for me. I got a lot of baby fat for that. (Thanks mom!) Although when I got older, we all separated and never ate together anymore due to our phones and T.Vs. Also they stopped asking and made whatever they wanted. Food was no longer as delicious as it used to be.


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