Gratitude List.
I am sitting in my lavender cozy room while listening to music. Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I just thought of the ten things I am thankful for. Music - Music keeps me sane and helps me calm down when I really need it. Bands like: P!ATD I can relate to and I also listen to K-Pop. For example, a group would be BTS (Bangtan Boys). My Parents - They are so hardworking and they do a lot for me that sometimes I don't even notice. They do so much just to keep a roof over my head and to put food on the table. My Aunts and Uncles - They keep me laughing and put a huge smile on my face whenever I see them. They are so fun to hang around and if I didn't have them I have no idea what I would do. My Grandparents - I love them so much but they spoil me to the core. Out of no where they would give me random money that I feel so bad receiving. My Friends - They are just like family, I love them so much that they don't really realize it. I come off as over-dramatic to them ...